A balanced lifestyle is one that helps to sustain and improve your well-being and fitness. There are several different things you can do to lead a balanced lifestyle, such as healthy eating, being physically active, maintaining a healthy weight and controlling your stress. A balanced lifestyle, however, is not only about eating and exercising regularly, it is also about taking care of the "whole you"-your physiology 

  • Quitting Smoking Set a date to stop. Planning to make a friend stop smoking with you whenever possible. Picking a day is best during the next month. In the future, a date too far off will give you a opportunity to procrastinate and delay, while a date too early does not encourage you to develop a treatment schedule or support systems.
  • Note when you smoke, and why. Try discovering the things you sometimes do when smoking in your daily life (such as drinking your morning cup of coffee or driving a car).
  • Change your smoking habits: Place your cigarettes in a different place. Smoke on the other side. When you're smoking do nothing else. Just think about how you look when you smoke.

Healthy Eating for healthy Lifestyle

1. Drink more water: Regular, most of us don't drink enough water. Water is important to the functioning of our bodies. Are you conscious that more than 60 percent of our body consists of water? Water is required to conduct body functions, eliminate waste, and carry oxygen and nutrients throughout our body. As we lose water every day through urine, intestines, suddenness and respiration, we need to replenish our water intake.

2.Eat plenty of fruit and vegetablesIt is advisable that you eat at least 5 servings of a variety of fruit and vegetables per day. They can be fresh, congealed, frozen, dried or juiced. It is easier to get your 5 A Day than it seems. Why not cut a banana over your breakfast cereal, or add a slice of fresh fruit for your normal mid-morning snack?

A 150ml glass of fruit juice, vegetable juice or smoothie always counts as 1 serving, just limit the amount you need not to exceed 1 glass a day as these drinks are sucrose and can damage your teeth.

3.Workout regularly: Do not just a few days a week but every day if you can workout. Mobility is essential to a safe life. Exercising every day will in many ways boost your health. This will help to improve your life expectancy, decrease your cancer risk, help you grow higher bone density and lose weight.

Another simple thing you can do is to choose walking over riding, driving or taking transportation, particularly for close distances. Rather than taking the lift you should climb the stairs. You should choose easy-to - do exercises that you enjoy at home or outside. When you enjoy the physical activities that you choose for yourself, you'll most certainly enjoy them and of course continue to do them.

4. Cut on fatty and sugar food, soda and caffeine: Your fast food consumption, French fries, doughnuts, popcorn, wedges and deep fried food if possible. They are not just really fattening (1 tablespoon of oil is 120 calories), deep fried food contains acrylamide, a dangerous chemical that can cause cancer. There are better options available, for example grilled, steamed, stir-fried or even raw food.

Cutting down on fructose food is even great for your heart. There are things like candy bars, pastries, sweets, cookies, pies, and donuts filled with jelly. Not only are they not filling you up, they are causing you to want to eat more because of the sugar rush. Alternatively, go for nutritious snacks like nuts, salads, pure juices and unprocessed food.

5. Get more vitamin Nature: Another important idea to incorporate in your life is keeping as true to nature as possible to lead the healthy lifestyle your body deserves. 
It means consuming fewer refined foods, eating more organic foods, eating more vegetables and nuts.

Try to eat more fruits, nuts and vegetables rather than cheese, cereals, bacon etc.

You will always see to it that you spend more time in nature.

6Don't skip breakfast: Some people skip breakfast as they think it's going to help them lose weight. But a nutritious, high-fiber breakfast and low-fat, sugar, and salt can be part of a balanced diet, which can help you get the nutrients you need for healthy lifestyle. 

A wholegrain lower sugar cereal sliced over the top with semi-skimmed milk and fruit is a savory and healthier meal.

7. Look at your portion sizes: Most of our portion sizes are much bigger than we actually need. Consider putting smaller amounts on your plate, or "fool" yourself with a smaller plate. Then, wait 15 minutes after you've done, before looking for more.

8. Manage your mental health: It's easy to concentrate on the physical aspects of health when it comes to developing a balanced lifestyle, and ignore mental upkeep. Know that your physical wellbeing is built on your mental health. It's important to control your feelings and evaluate them on a daily basis. If you feel negative towards others, you might be causing more unhappiness in your job, school, or social life:
ExerciseJoin a group
Sleep 7-9 hours a nightDo something innovative
 If you start feeling sad or even depressed, speak with your doctor or talk to a therapist about ways to improve your mental health.

9. Get enough sleep: An organized routine of sleep is extremely essential for the health of an person. Lack of concentration, irritation, restlessness and so on are all induced by lack of sleep or deprivation of sleep. Sleep deprivation may cause mental health to decline. It can render you vulnerable to heart attacks, migraine and other diseases. The inefficient sleep cycle also affects your insulin level and your immune system. The body replaces damaged cells while you're unconscious and that is when most growth-oriented behaviors take place. Sleep deficiency forces your ghrelin level up, and your leptin level goes down, according to health reports. More often you feel hungry and often feel tired.

Life is all about stability. It will take some time and determination, but if you integrate fitness into your healthy lifestyle, you will certainly accomplish your goals and stick with them for longer.

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