As all things have their own pros and cons, so does garlic. Here we shared some of the side effects of having extra garlic in this article.

Culinary Uses of Garlic

Garlic has become a staple vegetable in virtually every kitchen. It is commonly used as an ingredient and herbal flavouring in various cuisines. The cloves are generally used for cooking but other parts of the vegetable are often used as a culinary ingredient, including the flowers and the immature bulbs. It is prepared and cooked with different forms of meat, fish, and vegetables as a flavour enhancer. The garlic can be added to some sauces and condiments in its uncooked form as a spice.

Health and medicinal advantages of garlic

Garlic is said to provide a variety of nutritional and medicinal benefits. Because of its capacity to prevent hypertension, cholesterol, atherosclerosis and other disorders, this root vegetable is reputed to promote cardio-vascular safety. The element in garlic that is responsible for this health benefit is allicin, a remarkable alliin- and allinase-derived compound.

Even though a standard dosage for garlic has not yet been developed, some suggest a regular intake of one or two raw cloves per day to achieve this root vegetable's optimum benefits. The heavy compounds in the garlic, however, could have an adverse effect on the gastrointestinal region, specially when eaten raw. The use of garlic supplements is an effective and healthy way to meet the criteria.

Here are some of the health benefits of garlic:

1. Prevent against bacterial infections

Garlic is an antibiotic available to you. The most common forms of bacteria such as Listeria, Salmonella, E have been shown to be warded off. Staphylococcus and coli. Health researchers have discovered that if a person takes them for a long period of time, the body will become immune to antibiotics. There was no evidence, though, to indicate the body may become immune to garlic.

2. Will support the immune system

Not only can garlic help avoid bacterial infections, it can also help prevent infections of the fungi and viruses. Garlic proved to improve the immune system. This has a high concentration of vitamin C, vitamin B6, magnesium and selenium. Such nutrients help to improve the health of the immune system.

3. Lowers blood pressure

High blood pressure is a health problem affecting around 25 per cent of adults. Unless this disorder is not treated, then heart attacks and stroke will occur. One of the nutritional benefits of garlic in this field may be because studies have shown that people who take a garlic supplement will reduce their blood pressure by up to five percent. In addition, garlic supplements can also reduce a person's risk of experiencing a stroke by as much as 40 percent.

4. Helps prevent to Skin Rashes

Consuming excess garlic can irritate the skin and cause rashes. Garlic contains an enzyme called alliinase, typically causing skin rashes. Wearing hand gloves when cutting garlic is most often recommended, as the same enzyme present in it can cause rashes and itchiness.

5. Cuts back on inflammation

Inflammation is the reaction of the body to a damaging stimulus. While inflammation plays a major role in helping the body battle infections, it can cause heart disease, cancer and depression when this problem gets chronic. Garlic leads to reducing inflammation.

6. Diabetes Treatment

Diabetes is a chronic disease caused by long periods of elevated blood sugar. Insulin is the hormone which regulates blood sugar. Diabetes happens when an insulin can not be produced or reacted to by the body. By helping the body produce more insulin, garlic will help treat diabetes.

7. Prevent in Heart Disease

Various clinical studies have shown that cholesterol and high blood pressure can be substantially decreased by using garlic in the diet or by taking a garlic supplement at 900 mg a day and above. Garlic also has blood thinning and anti-coagulation functions, which can reduce the development of arterial plaque. Both of these acts allow the consumption of garlic effective against heart disease.

8. Treatment for cold and cough

Garlic, in its natural form, has been used for treating common cold and cough since time immemorial. It has been proven that eating crushed cloves of fresh garlic greatly decreases the severity of cold.

9.Prevent from High cholesterol

Despite the abundant presence of the allicin compound, garlic prevents oxidation of the harmful LDL cholesterol. It purifies the body of any contaminants, prevents fat accumulation and allows the body to lose the LDL cholesterol.

10. Prevent Acne

Each second individual in the world has suffered a bout of acne at some stage in their life. Garlic is known a highly effective method for treating acne when adding other calming ingredients such as sugar, turmeric, cream and so on. Given its antibiotic properties, garlic serves as a skin cleanser that soothes rashes, cuts and skin inflammation.
Side-Effects & Allergies of Garlic

Excessive garlic intake may cause irritation in the body's digestive functioning. It is considered to be a highly effective and most commonly available herb which acts as an excellent natural cure without any possible side effects. Garlic is among the best to use herbs.

Sensitivity to crushed garlic juice can also cause skin irritation, which is marked by a mild sensation of burning and the area reddening. The amount of discomfort and intensity of the irritation depends on the tolerance of the person to the drug. Burning and blistering of the skin occurs in some mild to extreme cases, as a result of extended exposure to garlic juice.

Brief summary

One of the marvels of the vegetable world, the health benefits of garlic can be enjoyed by including it in your essential store cupboard and goes well with many meats and vegetable dishes or via garlic extract supplements.

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